Director: Kathy Wardle
8606 Holman Circle
Arvada, Colorado 80005
720 354 1196
Junior Grange Program
Junior Grange provides an opportunity for children to develop self-confidence, leadership skills, communication skills, respect for others and self. Community involvement and personal growth are core principles of Junior Grange. Children between the ages of 5 and 14 may participate.
Junior Grangers may participate in the Colorado State Gange Junior Grange Program. Details of these opportunities can be found in the Colorado State Grange Handbook which can be downloaded from this site. This program features the Junior 1+ Program and provides junior members opportunities to enter craft and photography contests as well as public speaking, creative writing and sign-a-song contests.
Information about Junior Grange can be found on and downloaded from the National Grange website or at Complete information on programs provided by National Grange can be found in the National Junior Grange Program book. All Colorado Junior Grangers can participate in National Junior Grange programs.
National Grange Youth.
The National Grange Youth Program is designed for youth ages 14- 20. The Youth Program provides leadership training and life skills training opportunities. Leadership training opportunities include Regional Conferences, Ambassador Program, the John Trimble Legislative Experience, the National Grange Youth Team and the National Convention. Individual Life Skills enrichment opportunities include the Grange Distinguished Youth Program Public Speaking, Community Service, and Sign-a-song competitions. The Grange Youth Program Handbook can be downloaded from the National Grange Website and has detailed information on all these programs. As a Colorado Granger, a Colorado youth may participate in any of these programs. A brief synopsis of each program can be found in the Colorado State Grange Program Handbook in the Youth and Young Adult section. COMPLETE PROGRAM INFORMATION CAN BE DOWNLOADED at