The Purpose of the Health Awareness department is to
educate Grange and Community members about major health
issues and prevention.
What Health Issues are prominent in your Grange and
Community? Do you have Grange or Community members
that are affected by Cancer, Heart Disease, Hearing Loss,
Alzheimer’s, etc? Subordinate and Pomona Health Awareness
chairmen are encouraged to explore what issues are affecting
their community and see if there are any needs your Grange
can meet. Does someone need a sitter, ride to an appointment,
a hot meal, a listening ear, groceries picked up…? Chairmen
are encouraged to work with the Community Service
Chairmen in deciding how you can best serve your members
and community.
Activity Ideas include:
- Sponsor a family in need. Schedule members to take turns.
- Assist with a benefit for a local individual who is facing a
major health issue.
- Sponsor or assist with a local Health Fair.
- Sponsor a health screening event.
- Sponsor a Team and/or participate in Relay For Life or other
Health Awareness Events.
- Encourage members and non-members to participate in a
Walk-A-Thon, 5K, etc.
- Support legislation that promotes prevention of health issues and hearing impairment.
- Assist your Lecturer with a program educating members and non-members about major health issues and how they can
be prevented.
- Create a container to collect Campbell’s product UPC labels and donate labels to a local school or the Colorado School for the Deaf and Blind.
- Create a container to collect Aluminum Tabs for the Ronald McDonald House.
- Post and encourage healthy habits or other health related issues.
- Host a Disease Prevention Seminar.
- Be creative.
Director: Louetta Phelps
10676 State Hwy. 151, Ignacio, CO 81137
Phone: 970-749-1747
Email: louettaphelps@aol.com