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Colorado State Grange


Membership Program




Alan Caldwell




The Colorado State Grange membership program will offer recognition and rewards to Granges for new members joining September 1, 2021- August 31, 2022. The Subordinate/Community Grange with the most net members will be recognized, as well as the top recruiters. A form will be sent to report your membership to us. Please fill it out completely and return it to me by mail, email or give it to us on the first day of State Session. If you mail it be sure to send as early as you can in September so that it will arrive at my home before the week of State Session.


To summarize, you may be recognized in three ways:

  1. Granges that get a least 7 new members,
  2. The Subordinate/Community Grange with the most net members,
  3. The top recruiters in the state will be honored.

Remember, ask someone to join your Grange. YOU can make a difference. New members make your Grange stronger.

  • 2022-Combined-Star-Reports-Form.docx

"If you are going to complete the form on your computer, for either printing or emailing after completing it, please use the version in Word. The PDF format cannot be edited. If your software will not open this file in Word, please let me know and I will send you the file in a different format. Please let me know which version of software you have, such as Office 2016, or Office 2013.

  last updated: 31-Jul-2024
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