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Colorado State Grange


P.I.C.K. Grant Application Process


How can we help women, children or youth in our communities?  If a Grange member, a Grange, or an organization the Grange wants to work with has an idea that they want to implement and need a little financial assistance PICK has decided to accept grant applications.


The group applying (Grange member or Grange) must know exactly what they want to do and share detailed information with PICK when applying.

  • Your specific plans
  • Date
  • Location
  • Budget for the project
  • The current financial status of the Grange and any organization the Grange is working with must be submitted. 
  • A budget for the Grange must be submitted.  All funds must be disclosed
    • current amount in checking,
    • current amount in savings,
    • current amount in invested funds, and
    • information on availability of those funds will be helpful to the board reviewing the application.

These grants will be small grants.  Foundations very seldom give full funding for a project. If a project is worth doing then those planning it should be willing to fund it as much as possible. 


If you receive a grant from PICK you will be required to complete the project within one year and a report on the project will need be sent within one month following the date of the project. 


The Grange must be committed to the project in planning, execution and provide the majority of the funding.

  last updated: 03-Apr-2024
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